Sunday, August 3, 2008

lets play catch up...

Well, here we go, our professional blogging career officially starts now!

The 4th of July, 2008 kept in town for a change. Normally we spend the 4th up in Coeur d' Alene boating on Hayden Lake and Slip n' Sliding at the Griffitts, but this year we decided to stay in town.

Thanks to Kevin and Becca's hospitality, they graciously invited us to spend some time up at the cabin for the 4th. We watched fireworks at the Oakley rodeo, and yes, Miss Rodeo queen herself ended up sitting right next to us in the crowd. I think that made Brad's night!

The next day, we woke up early and caught the Park City 4th of July parade. Brad was pretty bumed because nobody was throwing any candy into the crowd. He quickly got over it and we ended up having a great time up in Park City, which was the first time for Jenna.


micah folsom photography said...

FINALLY! glad you figured it all out miss Jenna!

Matt and Jade said...

I hope you will enjoy blogging, I know that I do. check us out at

Marilyn & Steve said...

Woo-hoo! You did it! I've been stalkning your site wating for news and pictures! Thank you for giving me something to read! We did miss you guys for the 4th, but splitting time between families is what it's all about when you get married. Good thing Brad's worth it!
Aunt Marilyn

Becca said...

hey dudes! welcome to the world of blogging!!! we had a great 4th of july with you guys~especially being whooped in a game of nertz (even with my changes to the rules--i call a rematch!)!!!!